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for Apprentice/Students, Instructors, Subcommittee and Board Members

Direct Interview(Currently Shut Off)
To meet the growing demand for qualified linemen, Missouri Valley Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training Program offers a unique direct interview/direct slotting policy specifically individuals who have previous experience working in the line trade. If you meet the requirements, you may be able to accelerate the apprentice process with one of these two options.
Do You Have 1,750+ Hours Of Work Experience?
Take Advantage of Direct Interview
If you have documented 1,750+ hours working in the outside line construction industry within the last five calendar years and have met all other program entry requirements, you may be eligible for a direct interview, thus eliminating any waiting period.
Direct Interview/Direct Entry Requirements:
- Submit and have an approved Missouri Valley AJATC application.
- Achieve the required score on the NJATC aptitude test in order to proceed with the orientation course.
- Successfully complete the Missouri Valley orientation course, including the climbing certification portion of the course.
- Possess a current class "A" CDL with Air Brake endorsement and Manual Transmission.
Additional Program Details
- An applicant is required to pay the cost of the NJATC aptitude test If a Direct Entry candidate fails to achieve the required score on the NJATC Aptitude Test, he/she must wait six months to retest.
- The Training Director will make final decision to accept submitted experience hours. Training Director may accept none, some or all.
- The Training Director may request an interview with the Direct Entry candidate in order to determine the number of experience hours to accept.
Direct Entry(Currently Shut Off)
To meet the growing demand for qualified linemen, Missouri Valley Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training Program offers a unique direct interview/direct slotting policy specifically individuals who have previous experience working in the line trade. If you meet the requirements, you may be able to accelerate the apprentice process with one of these two options.
Do You Have 3,500+ Hours Of Work Experience?
Take Advantage of Direct Slotting & Class Placement:
If you have documented 3,500+ hours working in the outside line construction industry within the last five calendar years and have met all other program entry requirements, you may be eligible for direct entry into a specific step and class level in the program.
Direct Interview/Direct Entry Requirements:
- Submit and have an approved Missouri Valley AJATC application.
- Achieve the required score on the NJATC aptitude test in order to proceed with the orientation course.
- Successfully complete the Missouri Valley orientation course, including the climbing certification portion of the course.
- Possess a current class "A" CDL with Air Brake endorsement and Manual Transmission.
Program Completion Requirements:
An applicant can be slotted no higher than fifth step into the program. In order to be eligible to receive a certificate of completion from the Missouri Valley AJATC, an applicant apprentice must complete a minimum of 2,000 hours of on the job training and complete the required remaining coursework.
Direct Entry Placement And Pay
Upon completion of orientation, a direct entry apprentice will be assigned to a contractor and placed at a pay level commensurate with their hands on skill level and a class level commensurate with their book knowledge level.
Apprentice Slotting Process
Second Step Slotting Activity
(indicates mastery of skills between first and second step apprentice level)
If an applicant successfully completed the timed second step activity test (s), he/she may take the third step activity test. If an applicant fails to successfully complete the second step timed activity test(s), he/she will be slotted as a first step apprentice.
Third Step Slotting Activity
(indicates mastery of skills between second and third step apprentice level)
If an applicant successfully completed the timed third step activity test (s), he/she may take the fourth step activity test. If an applicant fails to successfully complete the third step timed activity test(s), he/she will be slotted as a second step apprentice.
Fourth Step Slotting Activity
(indicates mastery of skills between third and fourth step apprentice level)
If an applicant successfully completed the timed fourth step activity test (s) and has a minimum of 3,000 hours on-the-job training, he/she may take the fifth step activity test. If an applicant fails to successfully complete the fourth step timed activity test(s), he/she will be slotted as a third step apprentice.
Fifth Step Slotting Activity
(indicates mastery of skills between fourth and fifth step apprentice level)
If an applicant successfully completed the timed fifth step activity test (s) and has a minimum of 4,000 hours on-the-job training, he/she will be placed as a fifth step apprentice. If an applicant fails to successfully complete the fifth step timed activity test(s), he/she will be slotted as a fourth step apprentice.
Class Placement Process
Second Step Class Placement Test
(indicates mastery of knowledge between first and second step apprentice level)
If applicant achieves a score of 80% on written second step apprentice test, he/she may take the written third step apprentice test. If an applicant fails to achieve a score of 80% on the written second step apprentice test he/she will be placed at the first step book level.
Third Step Class Placement Test
(indicates mastery of knowledge between second and third step apprentice level)
If applicant achieves a score of 80% on written third step apprentice test, he/she may take the written fourth step apprentice test. If applicant fails to score 80% on the written third step apprentice test OR, he/she will be placed at the second step book level.
Fourth Step Class Placement Test
(indicates mastery of knowledge between third and fourth step apprentice level)
If applicant achieves a score of 80% on written fourth step apprentice test, AND has a minimum of 4000 hours on the job training, he/she may take the written fifth step apprentice test. If applicant fails to achieve a score of 80% on the written fourth step apprentice test, he/she will be placed at third step book level.
Fifth Step Class Placement Test
(indicates mastery of knowledge between fourth and fifth step apprentice level)
If applicant achieves a score of 80% on written fifth step apprentice test, AND has a minimum of 4000 hours of on the job training, he/she may be placed at the fifth step book level. If applicant fails to achieve a score of 80% on the written fifth step apprentice test, he/she will be placed at the fourth step book level.
Additional Details
An applicant is required to pay the cost of the NJATC aptitude test If a Direct Entry candidate fails to achieve the required score on the NJATC Aptitude Test, he/she must wait six months to retest.
The Training Director will make final decision to accept submitted experience hours. Training Director may accept none, some or all.
The Training Director may request an interview with the Direct Entry candidate in order to determine the number of experience hours to accept.
A Direct Entry candidate who is employed by a qualified contractor 45 days (or less) prior to the successful completion of the orientation course, may consider his/her indenture date the employment start date.